The UMD SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA and UMD WIND ORCHESTRA are led with a shared vision based on the following bedrock principles which influence every aspect of our large ensemble program including what we play, why we rehearse, how we define the symbiotic roles of conductor and player, and how we give concerts:
1. We believe there is no difference between playing chamber music, playing in orchestra, and playing in an ensemble of winds except the number of people around you. Musicmaking in all ensemble settings requires the same essential skills of active listening and co-shaping that characterizes great chamber musicmaking. We believe in leading while following and following while leading — not just for our players but also for ourselves as leaders of players.
2. We believe in the conductorless large ensemble experience.
3. We believe in encouraging active verbal input from players throughout the rehearsal process and in soliciting their ideas for programming future seasons.
4. We believe in mixing the skill levels of our players for maximum educational benefits, and in the primacy of process — i.e. that good rehearsals are their own reward.
Mike Votta
5. We believe that every concert must be a simultaneous celebration of the past and of the future.
6. We believe in our New Lights initiative, which asks questions like: What is a concert that people should want to come to it? What is it about the ritual of concerts that may keep people from wanting to come? How can we enhance the impact of the music we play? What forms might concerts take 50 years from now? What is good music of any genre — and why does music of different genres so rarely appear together on concerts? Beyond playing the notes well, what might be asked of young musicians to help build the kind of musical life they would want to inhabit? Our concerts are our attempts at responses to these kinds of questions and the result of putting these bedrock beliefs into action.
James Ross, Director of Orchestral Activities
Michael Votta Jr., Director of Wind Activities
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